Urban Solid Waste (USW)

Particularities and Scenarios Related to Generation and Disposal


  • Osvaldo Lailson da Costa Saraiva




solid waste, impacts, destination


Urban Solid Waste (MSW) – household waste and urban cleaning waste – are elements directly linked to human activity, with their descard resulting from the acquisition and consumption of goods and products. Therefore, the environmental impacts resulting from incorrect and/or negligent management appear as villains for the environment and society. Therefore, understanding its characteristics, the legislation applied, as well as its particularities in Brazil and its regions are essential, whether to understand the current scenario or to seek environmentally viable solutions to minimize this problem. The research was based on recent data from official bodies, magazines, periodicals, scientific articles, websites, monographs and dissertations, in order to, in a descriptive way, gather precise and analytical information regardless of the topic. From the investigation carried out, it was possible to understand the particularities of MSW, especially related to the negative impacts that can cause its inadequate disposal, the panorama at Brazilian level regarding collection and also regarding waste generation. Finally, this work also showed alternatives to be adopted regarding the environmentally appropriate disposal of these materials in the environment, highlighting advantages and disadvantages of each procedure.


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