Ecological Trail in Mata da Bica de Portalegre, RN

Environmental Education in the School Setting


  • Sarah Rosannia de Lima
  • Marco Antônio Diodato
  • Zildenice Matias Guedes
  • Antônio Anderson Dantas de Freitas
  • Carlos José da Silva
  • Gabriela Salami



ecological trails, environmental education, Mata da Bica


Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) have always been the focus of numerous studies due to their importance in environmental conservation. In this context, Environmental Education plays a crucial role in raising awareness about preservation, with schools being recognized as one of the fundamental bases for forming conscious citizens. In this work, an ecological trail was designed and implemented as a strategy to promote Environmental Education, aiming to sensitize and equip the school community for the preservation, maintenance, and sustainable use of Mata da Bica, an ecologically significant area in Portalegre-RN. The ecological trail was carefully planned to be educational and informative, covering various topics such as the water cycle, the importance of trees in maintaining the ecosystem, waste management, the role of lichens as air quality indicators, and, as a highlight, a practical workshop emphasizing the responsible use of natural resources in the production of geotint. The use of the ecological trail as a method of Environmental Education proved to be effective, deeply engaging students and sparking genuine interest in all stages of the trail. This deep involvement significantly contributed to the success of the workshop.


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