
  • Sabrina Stefani URCA
  • Sinara Gomes de Sousa


Agroecology, Agroforestry System, Soil conservation, Sustainable rural development


This study arose from the need to verify the contribution of Agroforestry Systems (SAF's) as a possibility for sustainable cultivation and soil conservation strategy. This model of agriculture is guided by the principles of Agroecology and seeks to diversify agricultural production through the intercropping of agricultural crops with fruitful and native tree species, bringing environmental benefits (recovery of soil fertility and nature conservation) and socioeconomic benefits (source of income and food security) for farmers and the community. This research aimed to show the contributions that the SAF can provide to rural producers from the sustainable rural development, having as study area the Agroforestry System of Mr. Zé Arthur, located in the municipality of Nova Olinda, State of Ceará. To this end, we carried out the following methodological procedures: guided tour in the field to observe the activities carried out on Mr. Zé Arthur; application of an interview script with questions related to the way of cultivation, the food produced, the destination of production, etc. Finally, correlations were made between observations in the field, data obtained from the interview and the literature. With this, it was possible to recognize the potential of SAF's as a tool that benefits small and medium-sized rural producers in several ways, since: it acts in the conservation and restoration of the soil, native fauna and flora; ensures the food security of the families involved; it is a source of income; favors community development; and, finally, it functions as a strategy for coexistence with the semi-arid region.


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