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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


It is necessary to register the author in the system for the submission of works and subsequent access through login and password. Access can take place under an existing account or by registering a new account.

There is no fee charged for manuscript submission. If the manuscript is approved, the author must pay the publication fee of U$ 30.00 (thirty dollars), according to the bank details below:

Bank: 0260 – Nu Pagamentos SA – Nubank

Agency: 001

Checking Account: 53956548-9


Holder: Deise Cristiane do Nascimento

  • The dollar amount must be calculated using the official commercial dollar rate on the day of submission.
  • Submission is not a guarantee of approval and publication of the manuscript.
  • Publication will not be possible without payment of the fee. With the exception of special publications and subsidized by the Editorial Board.
  • Proof of payment of the publication fee must be sent to the email: and attached in the Submission area.

Submitting a manuscript implies that:

a) the submitted work has not been published before;

b) the text for submission is in Microsoft Word format (provided they do not exceed 2MB);

c) figures and tables are in standard file formats and include in each file the information: article title, journal name, authors' names; affiliation and author's email address for correspondence;

d) all supplementary documents requested in the submission by editorial policies are sent;

e) the work does not have more than six (6) authors;

f) is not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere;

g) the publication is approved by all co-authors;

h) consent of the responsible authorities - implicitly or explicitly - of the institute where the work was carried out, when applicable. Thus, the editors and the magazine will not be held legally responsible if there is any claim for indemnity.

i) the identification of authorship of the work must be removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the criterion of confidentiality of the journal, when submitted for peer review.

j) At least 50% of the Bibliographic References of each work must be of works published less than 5 (five) years ago.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables or text passages that have already been published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their articles; or make reference to their authors, when applicable. Any material received without such evidence of third-party authorship will be deemed to originate from the authors themselves.


Articles and Scientific Notes must be research products in the themes and lines defined in the journal's editorial policy, sent electronically and edited in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

Both scientific articles ( Model Art.doc ) and scientific notes ( Model Nc.doc ) must contain the following topics: Title; Summary; Key words; Introduction, Material and Methods; Results and discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgment(s), Authors' Declaration of Contribution and References.

An approval report from an institutional Ethics Committee must be presented in the submission when the research involves human beings and animals. As an alternative, one of the following templates can be sent: Declaration Human research.doc or Declaration Animal research.doc .Declarations must be sent with signatures and in PDF format.

All authors must register in the submission metadata. In addition, in the submission, the Declaration of Agreement and Author Responsibility signed by all authors must be attached, as a supplementary document ( template.doc )

In red: we will be able to create our templates to make submission easier for authors.

1. Composition of the Article

Title : must be concise and informative, no more than 20 words are recommended.

Information about the author(s): Authors' names must be separated by semi-colon and written without abbreviations. Maximum 6 authors allowed. Put a note reference at the end of each author's last name to provide, below, the institutional address and E-mail. The version submitted for evaluation must not contain the names of the authors.

Abstracts : Provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract must not contain undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. For articles written in English, title, abstract and keywords must also be in Portuguese and Spanish, in both cases first in the main language. There are always three languages, one for the text of the article and the other two in the form of abstracts.

Keywords : at least 3 and at most 5, not contained in the title, separated by dots and the first letter of the first word capitalized and the rest lower case.

Introduction: the relevance of the research must be highlighted through a literary review and have a maximum of 2 pages. It must include results of related research and necessary elements that justify the importance of the work, and the last paragraph must contain the objective(s) of the research.

Methods: It must contain details of information that enable the reproduction of the research carried out by other researchers.

Results and Discussion: the results obtained must be discussed and interpreted in light of the literature.

Conclusions: should be based on discussions of the results presented, without providing additional comments or explanations, in a succinct and direct manner.

Acknowledgments (optional): thanks to people, institutions, donations, funds, etc. The names of funding organizations must be written in full.


Citation : Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Some examples:

- Pereira et al. (2006) reported similar findings when [...]

- The research developed covered many disciplines (Wilson, 2020).

- This result was widely observed (Kano, 2008; Gurgel et al., 2010; Oliveira & Mai, 2015; Melo et al., 2019) during [...]

Authors must follow the official American Psychological Association (APA) version 7 guidelines.

List of References :

The) The list of references must be 50% of articles published in the last 5 years.

b) It should only include works cited in the text and that have been published.

c) Personal communications and unpublished works must be mentioned only in the text.

d) Bibliographic citations of the apud or cited by type will not be accepted , that is, the citations should only be from the original references.

e) References from Congress Annals will not be accepted. References from course completion work (dissertation and theses) are accepted. If available, always include DOIs with full links in your reference list. Examples:

Magazine Articles:

Allen, RG, Pereira, LS, Raes, D., & Smith, M. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements . irrigation and Drainage Paper 56 . Rome: FAO.

Articles by DOI

Hong, I., Knox, S., Pryor, L., Mroz, TM, Graham, J., Shields, MF, &Reistetter, TA (2020). Is a referral to home health rehabilitation following inpatient rehabilitation facility associated with 90-day hospital readmission for adult patients with stroke? American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation . Advance online publication.

Others (states, institutions, companies etc.)

BRAZIL (2004). Ministry of Health. Health Surveillance Secretariat. Ordinance No. 216, of September 15, 2004. Approves the technical regulation of good practices for food services. Official Gazette of the Union. Executive Power.

EMBRAPA (2018). Brazilian soil classification system (5th ed.). Brasilia DF. Brazil: Embrapa Soils.

2. Manuscript Formatting


A) It must be written using Word for Windows 2019 or higher processor, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Line spacing must be 1.5 and paragraph 0.75 cm.

B) The page must be A4 paper, portrait orientation, top and bottom margins of 2 cm and left and right margins of 1.5 cm, a maximum of 20 pages with line numbers for articles and 10 numbered pages for scientific notes.

C) All main items (eg 1 Introduction , 2 Material and Methods etc.) must be in bold and only the first letter capitalized; sub-items (eg 2.1 Study area etc.) only in italics and also starting with a capital letter. All aligned to the left.

D) The quantities must be expressed in the SI (International System) and the scientific terminology must follow the international conventions of each area in question.

Tables and Figures

Tables :

A) Tables must be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in consecutive numerical order, just below the paragraph where they were cited for the first time. Example of citations in the text: Table 1; Table 2.

B) For each table, provide a legend (title) explaining the table's components.

C) Identify any previously published material, providing the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption.

D) Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values ​​and other statistical data) and included below the body of the table.

E) The text of the tables must be in Times New Roman font, size 8-10.

F) Tables must not have vertical dash and a minimum of horizontal dash.

G) Table captions begin with the term Tab. In bold, followed by the table number, also in bold (ex. Tab. 1 , Tab. 2 etc.);

H) No punctuation should be added after the number, nor should any punctuation be placed at the end of the legend.


A) Like tables, figures must be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in consecutive numerical order, just below the paragraph where they were cited for the first time. Example of citations in the text: Figure 1; Figure 2 etc;

B) The text of the figures must be in Times New Roman font, size 8-10. Do not use faint lines and/or letters and check that all lines and letters in the figures are legible at the final size;

C) Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold, followed by the figure number, also in bold, for example, Fig. 1 , Fig. 2 ;

D) No punctuation should be added after the number, nor should any punctuation be placed at the end of the legend;

E) Figures must not have borders and their curves (in the case of graphics) must have a thickness of 0.5 pt, and may be colored, but always having different legend markers;

F) Digitized line drawings and line drawings in bitmap format must have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi;

Note : In order not to become redundant, figures should not have data contained in tables.

Additional information:

A) The numbering of the equations must be in parentheses and right-aligned;

B) Equations should be cited in the text according to the following examples: Eq. 1; Eqs. 3 and 4;

C) All letters of an acronym must be capitalized, eg. EMBRAPA, FAO etc;

D) Numeric values ​​in the text must be written as shown below. Considering the correct format what is found on the right side of the equality:

09 hours = 09 hours; 40 min = 40 min; 6 L (liters) = 6 L; 75 ml = 75 ml; l/s = L s -1 ; 40 the C 40 = a C; 0.12 m 3 /min/m = 0.12 m 3 min -1 m -1 ; 100 g weight/bird = 100 g weight per bird; 4 tons = 4 t; mm/day = mm d -1 ; 5x3 = 5x3 (must be separated); 32.2 - 61.5 = 32.2–61.5 (must be together);

E) The % is the only unit that must be next to the number (60%).

F) Only the last value must receive the unit: Examples: 40 m and 60 m = 40 and 60 m; 52.1%, 65.5% and 80.2% = 52.1, 65.5 and 80.2%.

Manuscript Language Edition

Green Journal publishes research in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Therefore, for editors and reviewers to accurately assess the work presented in your manuscript, the language used must be of good quality to be understood. If you need help in any language, you should consider:

A) Get a quick and free online grammar check;

B) Ask a colleague proficient in the required language to review your manuscript for clarity;

C) Visiting the required language tutorial that covers common mistakes when writing in Portuguese, Spanish or English;

D) Use a professional language editing service where editors will improve your writing to ensure your meaning is clear and identify issues that require your review.

Note: Texts of poor quality written in the language will be rejected and returned to the author(s).

Authors' Ethical Responsibilities

A) This journal is committed to maintaining the integrity of the scientific record;

B) The manuscript must not be submitted to more than one journal simultaneously;

C) The work submitted must be original and must not have been published elsewhere in any form or language;

D) A single study should not be split into multiple parts to increase the amount of submissions and submitted to multiple journals or one journal over time;

E) The results must be considered clearly, honestly and without fabrication, falsification or improper manipulation of data;

F) No data, text or theories of third parties should be considered to be the author's own ("plagiarism");

G) Authors must ensure they have permission to use software, questionnaires / surveys (web) and scales in their studies (where appropriate).

Note : The journal may use plagiarism screening software.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.