About the Journal

The Green Journal (GJ) is a biannual periodical publication of the Green School Program and the Interdisciplinary Environmental Education Research Group from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) with the objective of contributing to the scientific dissemination of national and international research and experiences in different areas of knowledge. related to social and environmental issues and sustainability.

Manuscript submission occurs in a continuous flow; that is, at any time, authors may submit their articles with different approaches from different areas of knowledge on environmental and sustainability topics. Revista Verde - Green Journal is based on its own interdisciplinary approach that focuses on apparently different approaches, although very close in the socio-environmental perspective.

Aware of this challenge, the Green Magazine seeks to present to the public unpublished, relevant and pertinent scientific works of the most current environmental reflections; allowing them to go beyond the academic community, contributing to the construction of environmental knowledge and the necessary changes for a sustainable society.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 5 (2024): Enviromental Education & Sustentability
					View Vol. 1 No. 5 (2024): Enviromental Education & Sustentability

The 5th edition of Revista Verde - Green Journal focuses on the theme "Environmental Education and Sustainability" and brings together 16 articles by researchers from Brazil and various parts of the world. The articles address a wide range of pertinent and current issues related to environmental conservation and sustainable development, offering in-depth analyzes and creative solutions to the challenges faced. This edition seeks to inform, educate and inspire readers to engage in promoting a more sustainable and resilient future for future generations.

Published: 2024-03-27


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